Get the right Aviation building
We can engineer your aircraft hangar building for many different hangar door styles and airplane sizes. We can also ship your steel hangar building to destinations worldwide. The aircraft hangar building plans can be either English (i.e. feet, inches) or metric units. We can also provide engineer-stamped plans for any destination within the United States.

Reducing the cost per square foot without sacrificing quality is of utmost importance. Our bolt-together aircraft hangar buildings with welded clips will save you time as well as money on your hangar construction project. Make the most effective use of your investment by using steel aircraft hangars, a Rapidset Metal Building.
Private Owners
We can also design exactly what you need for your general aviation aircraft. Our customer service department is ready to assist with your questions during the construction process. For many locations, we can also recommend an engineer to design your hangar’s foundation.
Government Use
You will often find that steel aircraft hangars from Rapidset Metal Buildings will be your most cost-effective solution if you do not require a GSA vendor. We do take impact cards for overseas shipments. The materials for our hangars are designed to be shipped on flat racks worldwide. Rapidset Metal Buildings buildings have been purchased for use by the United States military, the Federal Aviation Administration, and the Department of Homeland Security.
Airport Administrators
We stand behind the building materials that we supply. We detail our own building designs and also handle our own customer service. Avoid the hassle of dealing with a third party by selecting a steel aircraft hangar from Rapidset Metal Buildings.